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About Centre for Climate Action

Help the Society, Support Climate Mitigation Actions

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Center for Climate Action (CCA) is a non-for-profit organization involved in climate governance, research and knowledge exchange for enhancing climate resilience through adaptation and mitigation initiatives at the local, national, regional and international levels. CCA provides a holistic approach to a fully integrated three-pronged solution that combines social, environmental and economic aspects for an environmental revolution whilst empowering communities to adapt to the reeling impacts of climate change as well providing guidance on people centered climate policies, plans and programmes at different levels.

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10+ Years of Experience

  • Vision
  • Mission
  • Objectives
  • Values

Protect and Advocate for Climate

A climate resilient and socially just environment, responding to the impacts of climate change for sustainable livelihoods

Support those who are hit by Climate Change to feel safe and Secure

To provide solutions through policy influence, research, capacity building, demonstrating practical climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives for enhanced climate resilience

Benefits aimed for
From your Charitable Support

i. To actively engage; through public policy and advocacy at the local, national, regional and international levels; in reducing climate change vulnerability.
ii. To promote research and knowledge exchange in addressing the climate crisis at the local, national, regional and international levels.
iii. To work towards enhanced capacities, human rights, community empowerment and civic education for people and civil society organizations to realize their human sustainability in their context (contextual development).
iv. To promote sustainable development and natural resource management through engaging policy makers, communities, civil society organizations and private sector for climate action.

What represents our
Organizations highest priorities

i. Transparency and accountability
ii. Sensitivity to persons with disabilities
iii. Volunteerism and self help
iv. Inclusiveness and respect for human dignity
v. Integrity
vi. Gender responsiveness
vii. Professionalism
viii. Respect for nature and the environment

Meet Our Team

Most Passionate Team Members

The team has come together to confront climate change. We believe on the little scientific dispute that if we do nothing, we will face more drought, famine and mass displacement that will fuel more conflict for decades

Centre for Climate Action

Key Focus Areas

Key concepts include Just Transition in pursuing a low carbon development pathway and the sectoral focus include; Energy, Transport, Agriculture, Water, Forestry, Industry, waste. All the focus areas take into account the gender aspects



For Climate Governance

Africa’s economies and for countries like Kenya, the economy is very dependent on climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture, water, energy, tourism and wildlife, and health. The climate change impacts increase the vulnerability of the people, the economy and environment to extreme weather events, such as droughts and floods whose occurrence is now more frequent. Taking cognizance of the vulnerability to the adverse impacts of climate change, Centre for Climate Action (CCA) is facilitating countries on how to prioritize adaptation actions, while implementing progressive mitigation actions with the aim of achieving a low carbon climate resilient development pathway. This is done through the engagement of all stakeholders in shaping the development and implementation of the relevant climate change policies, plans and programmes.



For Just Transition

Just transition is a concept that, when appropriately framed and implemented, can provide much needed impetus to countries that are taking action to combat climate change. Just transition, as set out in the Paris Agreement, focuses on how the workforce will transition, including through decent work and quality jobs, as countries implement mitigation actions to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions within their national circumstances, to ensure global temperature raise can stay below 1.5oC. Centre for Climate Action (CCA) is engaging various actors in framing and shaping potential approaches for Kenya to a Just Transition to a low carbon climate resilient pathway within various sectors including; Energy, Agriculture, Transport, Forestry, Waste and Industry

Climate Peace
and Security


For Secure Climate

Climate-related security risks can present themselves when the effects of climate change intensify the drivers of violent conflict and insecurity. Although a variety of factors influence fragility and the likelihood of conflict, climate change impacts may influence several of these aspects. The impact of climate change may alter resource allocation between groups, increase strain on already-stressed governance structures, or erode institutional legitimacy if agencies fail to implement climate adaptation measures. Existing political structures may be destabilised because of this. As a result, the precise relationship between climate change consequences and conflict is variable and debatable, there is context-specific evidence that climate change can influence conflict drivers in some cases. Centre for Climate Action (CCA) is working with partners with keen interest on climate change and security nexus, whilst providing solutions to climate related security risks.

Gender Justice in Climate Justice


For Gender Sensitive Inclusion

Climate change is posing new risks and uncertainties that have potential to affect the social, economic, ecological, and physical systems. These climate change risks and impacts often occurs along gender lines and affects men, women, youth, elderly, People living with Disability (PLWD), marginalized communities differently due to their roles, location, adaptive capacity, inadequate access to assets, knowledge, technology among others. There is increasing evidence that climate change has an adverse impact on agricultural production (crops, livestock and fisheries), which have implications for gender equality and social inclusion issues. In its engagement, Centre for Climate Action (CCA) is applying Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) is a concept that addresses improving access to livelihood assets and services for ALL; including women, the poor, and excluded. It supports more inclusive policies and mindsets and increases the voice and influence of all including of the women, poor and the marginalized.

Locally Led
Adaptation Actions


For Going Local

Empowering local stakeholders to lead in adapting to climate change gives communities on the frontline of climate impacts a voice in decisions that directly affect their lives and livelihoods. While not all adaptation needs to be locally owned or led, Centre for Climate Action (CCA) is engaging local communities on adaptation actions and demanding greater efforts and commitment to putting more resources into local hands for local adaptation priorities.

City Level Resilience


Our focus on cities

Rapid urbanisation is transforming Kenya. Cities are central to the process of economic and social growth and innovation. Kenya has for the last decade made several attempts to improve the living conditions in its cities. Centre for Climate Change engages the concept of a sustainable and inclusive cities to facilitate innovative discussions among political decision makers, civil society representatives and others on issues addressing climate change within the cities context and providing sustainable solutions on enhancing resilience in cities.

About Centre for Climate Action

CCA Facts & Figures

Enhancing climate resilience through climate governance, research and knowledge exchange






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